The courts have held that credit reporting is debt collection activity and this makes sense as the credit bureaus were established for one simply reason, creditors wanted to make sure that the money then lent would be repaid. The credit bureaus have two functions. First to make sure the money their members lend goes to people who are likely to pay it back. Secondly, if the debt isn’t repaid there is an effective way to force the debtor to pay it back. Since having good credit is critical today for home ownership, to rent an apartment, to get a car or finance large consumer items, most people will do just about anything to keep their credit clean. The reality is depriving someone of good credit is a more effective collection technique that dunning letters, harassing phone calls, or even threat of litigation. This is particularly true in Texas where the generous exempt property laws make collecting from the average citizen a hopeless endeavor. So, when creditor report on their customers after they file bankruptcy they must comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and it is imperative for consumers who file bankruptcy to make sure their creditors follow the dictates of the FCRA so their credit will come back as quickly as possible
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Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing! Debt Collection