Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Proving Mental Anguish Damages

If a bankruptcy filer prevails in a claim under the Fair Credit Reporting Act or in an adversary proceeding for a violation of the automatic stay or discharge injunction the most likely damages sought will be for mental anguish. After all a debtor expects to get a fresh start from their bankruptcy and when creditors continue to harass them after they have been granted a discharge, it is quite traumatic. So, it is important for bankruptcy filers, who are victims of abusive creditors, to keep a diary of the mental anguish they suffer on account of the unlawful actions of these creditors. This will allow the victim to testify in deposition or at trial fully and completely as to the suffering they have endured. And simply being upset or angry won’t cut it. To prove serious mental anguish damages a plaintiff must show physical symptoms like headache, insomnia, depression, nervousness, marital strife, or lack of concentration that effects their job or enjoyment of life. It isn’t necessary to have expert medical testimony to prove mental anguish but to convince a judge or jury that they have suffered serious mental anguish will require convincing testimony, so the more details, including dates, times and circumstances that can be provided the better.
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