There are a number of mistakes that debtors and their bankruptcy attorneys make that cause serious problems after their discharge or after their chapter 13 is confirmed. These mistakes often make it difficult to enforce the discharge injunction or the automatic stay and can cause the debtor to suffer a serious financial loss..
1. Failing to Send Notice to Late Added Creditors
One of the mistakes attorney's often make is failing to send the bankruptcy notice to creditors who are added after the initial filing. This can make it difficult to enforce the discharge injunction. We find this all the time. A new creditor is added and since the bankruptcy notice has already gone out the creditor doesn’t get notice of the bankruptcy. Although the creditor may get other notices or a copy of the discharge, the creditor has been deprived of its opportunity to attend the 341 meeting or file a proof of claim. Although the debt will probably still be discharged it will be hard to successfully prosecute a contempt action if the creditor continues to try to collect the debt. Invariably, the creditor will claim they didn’t get notice of the bankruptcy and we won’t be able to prove otherwise. The solution would be for the attorney to send the bankruptcy notice to late added creditors by certified mail, return receipt requested, so there will be proof they got proper notice of the bankruptcy filing.